Philosopher's Stone Legend

Legends of a single substance able to transform base metals into pure gold date back to the Emerald Tablet of Hermes, written about on several occasions with the most prominent being a ninth century translation of the Kitab Sirr al-Asar.

Although there are quite a few different translations of the alchemy process, the true seven steps to achieving the Philosopher's Stone are Calcification, Dissolution, Separation, Conjunction, Fermentation, Distillation, and Coagulation. The first four steps are known to take place below in the physical realm of matter while the remaining three are above the physical realm, in the mind and imagination. It is theorized that Isaac Newton reached the sixth step in the process successfully while risking his life to practice dark arts.

Isaiah A Col parchment script

A recent discovery uncovered another Newton manuscript on alchemy processes of the middle ages, this time encoded with astrological symbols in reference to materials used during each step. The symbols were absolutely necessary for Newton to disguise his work from the laws of the land at the time. He even spent many years as the official in charge of the British Royal Mint where he secretly obtained the works of other alchemy Philosopher Stone researchers.

Each of the astrological symbols are not entirely understood by modern scientific translation but enough data was retrieved to replicate Newton's experiments in the lab where attempts at the sixth step revealed proof as it nearly happened for modern chemists. The potential of this process brings to light a key question, what if gold could be created from any metal, would it not alter the value of gold. Suffice to say the rare value would diminish, but the value of the process would rise possibly beyond comprehension or even be destroyed for possible implications.

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