Betelgeuse - Hubble |
According to scientific research the only known Betelgeuse emissions, other than high levels of photons, is a high concentration of neutrinos which may be of great research value to the recent endeavors like the Ice Cube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica.
A similar event to Betelgeuse supernova in terms of apocalyptic prophecy scope is potential of a polar shift event. Some researchers contend that such an event could theoretically be triggered by a distant supernova or similar cosmic energy such as the cycle of Betelgeuse.
As the Earth's magnetic field shifts, it's theorized that gaps may evolve in the magnetosphere as the process becomes chaotic before settling into its new position. According to geologists and other scientific research, the estimation for the last apocalyptic pole-flip, south to north, happened over 780,000 years ago.
Evidence suggests a cycle of pole flips nearly every 50,000 years incidentally claiming Earth is getting closer to the 16th known polar flip since the last world devastating event. A very important note here is that a polar-shift does not happen over night. It is a gradual process over a period of 4,500 to 5,000 years by some calculations.
This does not in anyway mean that one day it's beautiful and the next day is an apocalyptic storm. References to associative 2012 polar shifts often neglect to include those significant details as it tends to remove the punch from the apocalyptic theory.
One common phenomena related to polar flips as suggested by Earth weather and climate models does however include super storms with winds reaching the 300-400 mile per hour range. Recent weather changes over Europe have given rise to the super storm scenario though a change in weather patterns doesn't necessarily mean the Earth's poles must be swapping.