Non-Coding DNA Remnants

In the rush to fully sequence the human genome, a number of revelations have surfaced which only further deepen the mystery of DNA. The lattice-like structure is found throughout biological life around the globe and contains information which appears to detail how people are formed. By that, meaning DNA sequences appear to be the building blocks of life and contain specific code describing every element of our existence, from eye color to genetic traits such as rapid recovery from endurance activities.

A-DNA, B-DNA, and Z-DNA conformations

Strangely, as much as scientists have learned about our existence from DNA, there is still much to learn. Genome research uncovered a peculiar, perplexing mystery. Only about 5% of DNA sequences appear to perform a function or have purpose that can be identified. This leaves approximately 95% of DNA material to be unexplained, or non-coding for scientific use. Theorists believe the bulk of non-coding DNA is not usable, that was added by some other means, and is considered junk or leftover remnant from evolution.

Nature is efficient and not a wasteful process in itself. Every part of biological life, from the largest visible element to the smallest microscopic speck, has purpose and function contributing to the survival of species. Portions of nature, such as the human species, could be perceived as wasteful in an immediate light, but eventually the process of nature takes over and reclaims its efficiency. This makes it difficult to imagine nature would be founded upon DNA building blocks considered 95% wasteful by the perception of man. 

There is at least one counterpoint about the wastefulness of nature. For example, the existence of an appendix in humans. The anatomic feature was once used to aid in processing food in the digestive tract, but over the course of time has become an unnecessary organ which traps food and is life-threatening if left untreated to rupture. Evolution of the human diet from eating raw meats to instead consuming proteins cooked on fires likely played a role on the dependency of an appendix. Over thousands of years, humans carry the remnant generation after generation, as it shrinks further and further from existence.

If scientific research has yet to identify the purpose, this doesn't mean a purpose doesn't exist. We are just beginning to learn about the components we're made of and how they make us tick. Maybe it's possible the supposed remnant DNA is scrambled in some way, coded differently than discovered, and requires more advanced knowledge to understand its purpose. It's most likely there are more dimensions to understanding DNA, much like understanding time and space, and the amount of unexplained DNA material alone indicates there is more to the story and like the appendix, there was once a purpose.

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