Number Meaning of Three and Seven

Many written works and documentaries have thoughtfully examined the magic of numbers in relation to human superstition, premonition, and influence on daily life; be it consciously or subconsciously. One example is the number three, which often repeats throughout history as part of significant events and historical arrangements. A commonality across multiple ancient belief systems, is how the number three is not only respected among cultures, but it also portrays an understanding that its meaning may help us to unlock some of the greatest mysteries known to mankind through a third eye of perception.

Concepts of the number three and its meaning to ancient people are reminiscent of an earlier research effort conducted several years ago involving the number seven and its relationship to spirituality. The thought-provoking questions presented by ancient alien theorists have rekindled number prominence and suggest the idea of an even deeper understanding. These two numbers meet up on several mysterious levels when exploring scientific and religious realms of our history.

Depicting the return of Jesus

A question proposed in ancient theorists asks in relation to the number three, why it is the three Biblical Magi wise-men, who chose to bring Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh as gifts to baby Jesus, followed the Star of Bethlehem as a guiding light from the heavens to find him? Coincidentally, the Star of Bethlehem is known as The Great Conjunction, where Saturn and Jupiter are closest together, which could also involve the moon's presence for a three-point connection.

What is the arrival of the Magi?

Arrival of the Magi is still celebrated today by some Western Christians, on Three Kings' Day, the Epiphany, or the Twelfth Day as it's believed the event occurred 12 days after Christmas. Eastern traditions claim there were actually 12 Magi, instead of three who visited Jesus. In either case, twelve days or twelve Magi using numerology may be written as 1+2, or again, three. At the same point, modern day sky watchers continue to observe the conjunction on Dec 21, close to every 21 years, both multiples of three and seven.

Mentioning of the star is important from a spiritual perspective, but it also helps pin-point the exact birth of Jesus according to Biblical scholar, Simo Parpola. By his astronomical calculations, Parpola is able to show the triple conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, occurred three times in the year 7 BC, as Saturn and Jupiter were in the constellation Pisces in close conjunction during the time of December 23, recorded on a Babylonian clay tablet.

When was Jesus born?

Parpola's research primarily focuses on the actual date of Jesus' birth by means of archaeological evidence and astronomical data, reasoning the triple conjunction as the only possible explanation of the Star of Bethlehem from an astrological standpoint. The same triple conjunction alignment was observed twice since 7 BC, as Parpola explains, occurring every 800 years; marking 2,383 as the next year it may be witnessed. Pisces is the twelfth (1+2 = 3) sign of the Zodiac and is represented also using 3 lines, 1 straight and 2 curved. 


Perhaps the most intriguing relationship between the number 3 and the number 7 is presented to us when examining at least 3 written languages, Greek Γ, and Arabic ٣, and Urdu ٣. Written forms of the digit 3 appear graphically similar as a reversed number 7, which all are believed to stem from Gimel, the third letter in ancient Phoenician and Aramaic writing systems. Asking ourselves how the number 3 could unlock unexplained mysteries in mankind's distant past is a question met with certain difficulties; especially considering how closely numbers factor into our everyday lives.

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