BOINC Ancient Mysteries Team

Interested in putting a computer to good use during idle time? MilkyWay@Home for example, is a grid computing experiment designed to pool the resources of Internet-connected computers in order to interpret large amounts of data without waiting years for results. 

Grid computing software is configurable for specific resource allocations and at what time of day they're processing. A small percentage of the CPU and GPU can be dedicated to crunching numbers while the computer is in use, and a larger percentage working during idle. BOINC can decipher between hibernation or run all night long for energy efficient desktops; optimized to make the most out of compute cycles.

The beauty of group computing projects is that anyone with an internet connected computer can help search for extraterrestrial life, solve complex mathematical problems, study the Earth's gravitational field, prove Einstein's theories, look for asteroids, and much much more. 

University of California BOINC projects have published results and are categorized by specific research fields. We have been participating with SETI@home, MilkyWay@home, and other projects over several years. With a generous donation of a dedicated grid experiment research computer, we created a public team in hopes of inspiring others to join the search. For those interested in helping out, team Ancient Mysteries has room!


  • Milestone of 1 billion team credits reached in the MilkyWay!
  • Ranking in the top 100 international teams for MilkyWay!
  • Nearing the 500 million milestone with Amicable Numbers!
  • Milestone of 2 billion team credits overall reached!

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