Disrupting the Timeline

Are present day humans unknowingly affecting the past timeline through a type of physics? Compelling quantum theories suggest the past, present, and future occur simultaneously, meaning that if anything is changed at a certain point time, it will alter other points in time.  If this were true, could it explain strange findings such as human evidence below lava flows, figurines and metal objects found encased in coal, sandstone and coral, fragments which look like nails and bullets in amber, and several other related anomalies?  

Ancient footprints by James Allan

Does quantum theory lend merit to the idea that we might be changing our past unwillingly? Fossilized foot prints were discovered in New Mexico in 1987, including a modern human print fused into Permian strata which dates between 290 to 248 million years ago, a time considered to be well before even dinosaurs existed on Earth. The creditable find was deemed problematic by mainstream science and suppressed due to the fact it can not be explained by any conventional means. 

The idea of changing our past by present action might seem unlikely in the current understanding of the universe. However, theories in physics point toward the possibility in mathematical context where human existence is even more interesting than previously thought with the multi-verse and alternate dimensions. For example, the footprints could have been created in another dimension which overlaps the dimension we experience. If this is possible, one would ask, then how could we access these other realms?

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